The Idiom

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

ID? We Don't Need No Stinkin' ID!

Oh this is BULLSH*IT!

ATLANTA, Ga. - A federal judge Tuesday blocked Georgia from enforcing a new state law requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls.

In issuing the preliminary injunction, U.S. District Judge Harold Murphy said the law amounts to an unconstitutional poll tax because the state is not doing enough to make ID cards available to those who cannot afford them.

Any time we (Republicans) try to do something to ensure that people who are voting are actually qualified voters in their precincts, people scream "voter suppression!"

What Dems don't realise (or rather "do" realise but find inconvenient to acknowledge) is that the flip side to voter suppression is voter fraud. And that every vote of every person who votes more than he/she is entiteld to is just as damaging to the system as a person illegally denied their right to vote. Is it really such an onerous burden to require someone to show a photo ID in order to maintain the integrity of the system?

Some of the sloppiness that makes fraud and foul-ups in election counts possible seems to be built into the system by design. The "Motor Voter Law," the first piece of legislation signed into law by President Clinton upon entering office, imposed fraud-friendly rules on the states by requiring driver's license bureaus to register anyone applying for licenses, to offer mail-in registration with no identification needed, and to forbid government workers to challenge new registrants, while making it difficult to purge "deadwood" voters (those who have died or moved away). In 2001, the voter rolls in many American cities included more names than the U.S. Census listed as the total number of residents over age eighteen. Philadelphia's voter rolls, for instance, have jumped 24 percent since 1995 at the same time that the city's population has declined by 13 percent. CBS's 60 Minutes created a stir in 1999 when it found people in California using mail-in forms to register fictitious people, or pets, and then obtaining absentee ballots in their names. By this means, for example, the illegal alien who assassinated the Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio was registered to vote in San Pedro, California — twice.
Of course, Georgia is light years ahead of New Jersey on the matter. In Georgia, you have to give them something, at least a Blockbuster card. New Jersey law does not require you to show any form of identification to vote.

Man we can't even clean the voter rolls of dead people!



At Monday, October 24, 2005 at 2:25:00 PM EDT, Blogger Market-Mouro said...

I would worry abit more about those machines many New Jerseyans are voting on. Seems to me the best way to vote is with a pen and paper.

X marks the vote.


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