The Idiom

Can You Grok It? Free Grokistan!

Friday, October 07, 2005

When Outcome Based Policies Run Amok

One of the few reasons Kid Various needs to move to Denmark. Apparently, if you are disabled, the Danish government will pay hookers to have sex with you.

The official 'Sex, irrespective of disability' campaign pays sex workers to provide sex once a month for disabled people.

Which is more than most married people…ba dum bum!

…Stig Langvad of the country's Disabled Association said the politicians critical of the plan are showing "double standards".

He said: "The disabled must have the same possibilities as other people. Politicians can debate whether prostitution should be allowed in general, instead of preventing only the disabled from having access to it."

Surely, not being able to get any sex because you’re a total loser must be classified as a disability, right? We mean one could not discriminate against mental disabilities any more than one could with physical ones. And since, when it comes to women, The Kid is completely mentally disabled by inertia and fear, he has to resort to Government to make sure that he has just as much sex as other people!

Finally, Kid Various can hone in on the disability racket. Can he get one of those hand tags for his car?

The article goes on to say that the care givers for the disabled may be needed to help interpret the desires of the client.

The legal guidelines advise: "It could be of great importance that the carer speaks to the prostitute together with the person in their care, to help them express their wishes."

That’s got to be awkward when you’re cruising 8th Avenue in your motorized wheelchair…

“Hey baby, you wanna date?”


“He’d like the ‘Dirty Sanchez’”

Can get laid in Denmark


At Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 12:22:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? I spent nearly ten years in the government, and know how the bureaucracy can foul up anything, including sex.

By the time you spent hours filling out forms and proving your qualifications (two spaces between the period ending one sentence the the first letter of the next, or the application gets bounced for failure to conform to the Government Style Manual), and the hooker consulting the applicable Code of Federal Regs, agency manual and agency handbook to determine how long you get and in what positions, you'll go home and figure to renew your application tommorrow. Or maybe file a suit, which will take a year or two. Oh, and I hope she's covered by a categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Protection Act, or you have to do an environmental assessment. Even for a hand job, the law is the law.


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