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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Prince Harry Apologizes for Dressing as Nazi...WTF?

The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II apologized Wednesday night after a tabloid printed a picture of him wearing a Nazi soldier's uniform to a fancy dress party. Early editions of Thursday's issue of "The Sun," showed Prince Harry, the second son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, clutching a cigarette and a drink and wearing a swastika armband. The newspaper said the 20-year-old prince had attended a fancy dress party in the uniform of a fascist soldier. In a statement, the prince said he was "very sorry if I caused any offense or embarrassment to anyone." He added, "It was a poor choice of costume and I apologize."

Apparently Prince Harry has never viewed a copy of the educational video "Dressing up as Hitler at School is Not Cool!" otherwise he would not have made this mistake. Perhaps he was just showing solidarity with the French. French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen was quoted recently as saying the Nazi occupation of France was not particularly brutal.

The comments by the National Front leader were published in the small extreme-right newspaper Rivarol. "In France at least, the German occupation was not particularly inhuman, even if there were a few blunders," he was quoted as saying. Such things were "inevitable" in a country of 220,000 square miles, he said. Le Pen startled France and the world by qualifying for a one-on-one runoff against President Jacques Chirac in presidential elections in 2002.


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