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Friday, July 03, 2009

Pajamas Media » In Washington, Conservatives Are Never Really ‘In Power’

Kid Various is of the opinion we need more politicization of the bureaucracy. The president should be making at least 30,000 appointments. Any position that has significant policy making power should be appointed. Europeans look at our system as inherently corrupt because we make our very top positions political appointments rather than have something like the British "permanent undersecretary."

But they ignore the fact that their systems are just as politicized - it's simply that the people at large have absolutely no ability to hold their bureaucracies accountable.

The genius of Andrew Jackson was that he realized that he was the only official elected by all the people, therefore he had not only the right - but the duty - to fashion the federal bureaucracy as he saw fit in order to implement the policies that the people had elected him to pursue. He came in and fired 10% of the federal workforce (which is where The Kid gets the 30,000 figure) and replaced them with his own hand picked people. (Lord how The Kid wishes he could do that!)

The President is elected by the people of the United States to pursue certain policies. Unless he has the power not only to make decisions, but to ensure those decisions are implemented, the people are being cheated.

Any position within the federal bureaucracy that influences policy decisions should have an indirect tie back to the popular will through the President.

Pajamas Media » In Washington, Conservatives Are Never Really ‘In Power’

First, most people do not understand the sheer magnitude of the executive branch. There are almost 3 million federal employees, 99 percent of whom are career civil servants over whom the president has virtually no authority. Seventeen states have fewer citizens than the federal government has bureaucrats. There are only a few thousand positions within the federal government that are subject to “noncompetitive appointment,” i.e., positions that the president can fill through political patronage. Among these are 1,137 positions that can be filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation; 320 positions subject to presidential appointment without confirmation; and 701 positions in the Senior Executive Service (the top level of managers within the federal ranks) that can be filled by non-career appointments.

As these numbers illustrate, it is the career civil servants who pull the millions of levers of power, not the few political appointees at the top of every agency. It is very difficult for the appointees to even keep track of the policies being implemented by the career staff, much less change them.

This would not be a problem if the career ranks were really filled with nonpartisan individuals (as the New York Times unwaveringly claims) who impartially carried out the policies of the president. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. From the State Department, to the Central Intelligence Agency, to the Department of Justice, and every agency in between, career employees are overwhelmingly partisan liberals, just like in the media and academic worlds. As Richard Perle has eloquently said, when George Bush tried to pull the levers of government, he never realized that they were disconnected from the machinery and the exertion was largely futile. The bureaucracies of these agencies have their own policies and they largely ignored President Bush’s directives and his political appointees, a problem President Obama will not have.


At Monday, August 24, 2009 at 4:36:00 AM EDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh people at large have absolutely no ability to hold their bureaucracies accountable well said sir!!!

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