Where's The U.N. On Iran? - Forbes.com
Every time the Kid sees a tweet coming out of Iran asking, "where's the UN?" it breaks his heart. The UN is worse than useless, it is exceptionally damaging. In his travels, Kid Various has met numerous foreigners for whom the UN has been built up in their minds as some sort of supra-national world government. An institution to be respected. An institution to be obeyed. Shattered are their dreams when they reach out to the "world community" in times of crisis - only to be met with the bone chilling silence of an organization whose main occupation is to act as accomplice to the most heinous acts of despots and tyrants.
Where's The U.N. On Iran? - Forbes.com
Beyond Ban, where is the rest of the U.N. on the showdown and brutal crackdown in Iran? Well, last Friday, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, according to the U.N. News Service, "expressed concern" (though apparently not deep concern). With fastidious attention to the small print, Pillay noted that "the legal basis of the arrests that have been taking place, especially those of human rights defenders and political activists, is not clear." She may be right; the details right now are not clear. But the big picture certainly is.
What of the 15-member Security Council, which over the past three years has imposed sanctions on Iran, meant to stop its "proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities." You might suppose that with Iran's government brazenly violating these sanctions, the Security Council would take an interest in the recent tumult within the Islamic Republic. Perhaps the U.S. would be pushing the issue?
Nope. According to a Western diplomat connected with the Security Council, "Iran is not being discussed at the council right now."
Nor is the General Assembly exactly seized of the matter (as they like to say at the U.N.). The current president of the Assembly is Nicaragua's Miguel D'Escoto Brockman, a former Sandinista and current pal of the Tehran regime. In March D'Escoto made a five-day pit stop in Iran, his visit apparently bankrolled by the Iranian regime. This week he's making use of the U.N.'s headquarters in New York to host a conference on remodeling the global financial system.
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