We Love Newt
He's a true idea guy:
Famous during his speakership for the bionic speed with which he devised policy proposals, Gingrich is even more prolific these days with a BlackBerry in tow. He constantly thumbs out messages to a list of congressional Republicans, linking to an article recently read or a thought that just came to him.
“He has 10 ideas an hour, and six of them may be brilliant, two may be decent, and two you don’t agree with,” says Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).
Looking ahead to the new Democratic-dominated Congress, Ryan sees Gingrich's role in the party only expanding.
“We need to go to leaders who have demonstrated ability to put together big movements for our party,” he says.
But, despite the fact that he can play a big role in shaping the intellectual direction of the party (and lord knows we need big ideas now more than ever) please Mr. Speaker, don;t run for anything!
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